
Our office is located in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. Tax Associates offers highly qualified individual and business tax services year round, not just during tax season. We prepare tax returns for all States and Property Tax/Rent Refunds for Minnesota. All tax returns are sent through the e-file system. Remember, your federal income taxes must be filed by April 15, 2025. Don’t wait until the last minute!

Call us today to schedule an appointment to discuss your business or individual tax needs!

There are not many new changes in the tax code for the 2024 filing season. However, the following may affect some tax payers:

  • We cannot e-file tax returns prior to January 29th, 2025 and new law mandates that the IRS will not be issuing refunds for this filing year until mid to late February.
  • With 2024 tax reform now being law, taxpayers will likely have a lot of questions. We may need to address some of these after the April 15th, 2025 filing date, on a case by case basis, as the answers may not be available or there may not be the time to answer them during the filing season.
  • The Affordable Care Act is still in effect. A form 1095A, B or C will be mailed to you sometime in late January or early February. This form shows your health insurance coverage periods during 2024.

Most of your documents should arrive to you the first week in February, but keep in mind that some of those from investment groups for dividends and stock transactions may not arrive until Feb. 15th. We have an income tax organizer available to help you put your tax forms together.

Call ahead for an appointment as we only have a short window of time to get all the returns completed and we are expecting another busy season.
